Do I need a Bitrefill Account?

  • Updated
You are not required to create an account with us to shop, but we provide this option. Simply verify your email address and enjoy the many benefits.
Registering a Bitrefill account allows you to pre-pay Bitrefill balance in USD, EUR, or BTC, which can be used at a later stage to purchase any of our offered products or services without having to pay blockchain transaction fees and without having to wait for payment confirmation on-chain. This is an excellent option for recurring customers that want to save on fees when making frequent purchases.
Creating an account also allows you to add two-factor authentication, increase your spending limits, review your order history, participate in our referral & loyalty programs & earn Bitcoin back on qualifying items.
Get started by creating your Bitrefill account at 
Learn how to top up your balance here.
Learn about our limits here.
Learn about our referral program here.