If you are experiencing issues redeeming your Google Play Gift Card, please follow these steps:
1. Verify redemption requirements:
- Ensure that you are redeeming the gift card in the correct country. Google Play Gift Cards are region-specific and can only be redeemed on accounts matching the country and currency.
- Confirm that you are connected to a local IP address from the designated country and are not using a VPN.
2. Submit a redemption appeal to Google:
If you meet the conditions above but still cannot redeem your code, you must dispute the issue directly with Google Play by completing their redemption form:
- Click the "Send us details" link in the error message on the redemption page.
- Upload your purchase receipt from Bitrefill.
- In the "City" field, enter "Online" (as this is a digital purchase).
- If your Google Play account email is different from your Bitrefill receipt email, provide proof of ownership for both email addresses in the form.
*Important Notes:
- You do not need to upload photos of the front and back of the card, as it is a digital code.
- Due to Google's data privacy policy, they cannot share redemption details with us. This means that only Google Play can resolve the issue.